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Getting Startet

After placing the object on a wall, you can send a active sim to use it or ask to a non-active sim to do so, chosing one of the four base interactions/positions: Standing, Kneeling, Sitting and Bending. All four actions are restricted to Young-Adults, Adults or Elders sims.


Main Interactions

When a sim assumes one of the four idle submissive possitions, it will be possible to interact with this sim in different ways. Those interactions will have different outcomes, giving moodlets and overlays depending of what and how many times you perform a interaction. At this moment, the Bending position is done and the Standing position is the one i'm working on. 

Potential Buffs

At the very begining, i defined the potential buff to be applied when a sim is released from the Sentinel. Now the buff will be active while using the sentinel. For release a sim from the Sentinel, click in the sim and select the option "Get Out", that's a safeword and like any safeword, can be applied by the sim that's performing the interaction. Kinky sims will have a flirty moodlet and vanilla sims will have a fine moodlet. A special group of vanilla sims wil have a embarassed moodlet.

A sim is defined as kinky by the Kinky Buffs Applier, a small mod i created to recognise traits maded by others creators making easy to define the sim behaviour for the interactions.

Check link for it in the Projects/Mods section.

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